Solution-IV® ezRepro ModulesSolution-IV® ezRepro Modules
Solution-IV ezREPRO is an easy to use Order/Invoicing system for those Reprographics/Color Format firms that do not need full accounting. ezREPRO maintains all the capability and flexibility of Solution-IV Reprographics Accounting and Business Management, but provides only the modules for Ordering, Item descriptions, discount/pricing, Contract and Project management, sales analysis and invoice and statement processing. Bid and Order tracking and Pick-Up and Delivery are also supported in ezREPRO. The Solution-IV Reprographics modules included are Accounts Receivable, Order Processing and Inventory/Item Description and System Utilities and Executive Information System. Accounts Receivable (32kb)
Order Processing/Point of Sale (30kb) Inventory Control (52kb) Thoroughbred Hosted Services (57kb) System Utilities (150kb) Executive Summary (180kb) |