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2011 Tax Incentives for Capital Equipment

Under Section 179 of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 you can expense up to $500,000 on your 2011 taxes for capital equipment purchased in 2011. Purchases of Thoroughbred® Software products such as Solution-IV® may be included.

Now is the time to review your needs and requirements with your Thoroughbred Representative. Our products, including TS ODBC DataServer™, DataSafeGuard™, TS ReportServer™, TS DataServer™ for MS SQL Server, Solution-IV Accounting, Solution-IV Reprographics Accounting and Upgrades, could provide a great tax advantage and incentive if purchased before 2012.

As always, consult your financial and tax advisors to discuss such purchases in 2011. This website may be helpful

Visit our site for Thoroughbred product information click here or call your Thoroughbred Representative.

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